5 Simple Secrets of Successful Small Business Sites

2016 Nov 03 2653

Sooner or later most of site owners decide to monetize their creation. That's not a secret that ecommerce sites are the most popular nowadays. Whether you have already started a small business or just thinking on it, website is a must-have. Keep in mind these simple secrets, so that your site will benefit and not just exist.


Users don't stay for long on the sites where they can't immediately find what they are looking for. If you have good navigation bar in footer or header that makes it much easier to show the way to that button you want your user to click. Visitors are cool, now what about turning them into customers?


Nowadays most of the people use laptops, tablets and smartphones to connect to the Internet rather than desktops, which was followed be mobile-friendly or responsive websites to dominate on the market. Your site should be easy to browse, well that's where responsiveness rocks. Submit a request for professional psd to responsive html services and enhance your business today!

Contact Us

It's not just about trust, it's about user-friendliness. Let users know you are alive and always ready to reply. Be clear and transparent, that's the key to customer loyalty.

Fresh Content

Even if you sell one type of product and even if this thing is awesome talk about it. Share good quality images of the product, post related articles. Websites oriented only on those customers who visit such sites on purpose are dull. Engage everyone! You only need to attract the visitors the rest they will figure our themselves.


Well of course calls to action are those red rags to a visitors you should use. Catchy phrases and appropriate colors can work wonders. So work on your design and content really carefully, though don't overcreate with that, using too many CTAs and crazy colors can lead to low conversion rates.

Of course these steps are not the only ones on your site's way to success, though they probably are basic. If you have them implemented and keep them under control, other features are much easier to work with, besides you have more time for creative ideas and business development. Good luck with your small business, grow it big!

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