Today we'll talk about a really common question of websites owners. You put all your heart and ideas in making your community the best place on the web but people don't hurry to become a member of it? There are so many different sites and communities that it's getting harder to stand out. Quite important is the way your site look. If you are just at the beginning of your website creation, it might be useful to implement psd to html5 and css3 conversion as part of the overall development process. But only having nice design of web pages is not enough for a modern picky user. As for other ways to earn the attention, check out these 6 tips we've prepared below.
Find a few people passionate about the topic of your community. Encourage them to invite their friends.
This actually is one of the trends in social networking world. Bloggers created content on thousands of interests, which resulted in building loyal followers. They created trust built on certain content. Develop a relationship with such influencers who have visible positions in your niche.
Encourage your users, offer something for free. Though don't offer useless stuff, give something appropriate, something your users would appreciate and compete for. Otherwise things can cause negative effect.
One more trend. Video content is getting more and more popular. Create YouTube videos: this is crucially important for social media optimization. YouTube gets very high rankings in search engines.
It's not only about videos. Content is everything! In fact, that's what we are looking for on the web.
Keep on updating the content as it is the best way to drive more traffic.
More directions
Don't dwell on your community. Use other ways to let people know about you. Share links to your content in places where people go to look for it. Use Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and of course professional sites where your potential users hang out. And don't forget to share content of others, otherwise users may consider you selfish.
These are just few tips on how to attract new members to your site, though all of them require not only your desire, but also huge effort and persistence. Don't give up on your dream and you'll achieve anything!