Member Cloud widget

Widget displays "cloud" of your users' avatars. You may put it on your landing page, or on any other page you would like.
Widget is completely customizable. You may set number of cols and rows, as well as enable or disable displaying total amount of members in your network.
So you may use it not only as "cloud" itself, but also to display for example line of users and put it to site header.
Requirements: SocialEngine 4.0.0+
Tested with: latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari.
Please note: if you do not have enough users with avatars to display in the cloud, same users may appear few times. But only if you don't have enough members.
All our plugins are fully capable with all default SE themes and all our themes.
We do our best to make plugin capable with default SE plugin guidelines, but if you use 3rd party or custom theme you may have some minor layout issues due to custom theme css code.
Demo user details:
You may login using this account
Password: 111111
Also this widget is included to our Welcome page plugin, check it out as well.